Thursday, May 28, 2009

I'm talking on my cell phone

My cell phone talks to the tower talks to your cell phone

The guy in the car next to me is downloading porn

The tower beams the naked woman fucked in the ass to his cell phone

The same with the woman in front of me

Not being fucked in the ass, I mean she's feeding off the tower, too

Only, she's lost, caught between the legs of the triangulating towers

They tell her where she is

And she feels better

I lose signal across a patch of no transmission. And there's these trees up ahead and I have 3 bars now and I'm thinking how strange it is that all of this is being broadcast through the trees. The naked woman, my phone call, that lady's directions. Data being sent in frequencies undetectable to my ears and my eyes. Data bouncing around and off the trees, endless streams of it.
And soon, we'll have these new networks that can go through concrete. Go through trees! Trees pierced by endless blowjobs and mindless chatter.